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Path: /comtest/5100s/

This is the BAMA archive. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is available here for free.

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  • 2024-05-31
    • Well, Google's 'advertising optimization' has now become so distracting as to trick people into visiting other sites. So I have removed advertising until I can find a better solution. One option may be sponsorship, anyone interested?
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      • It's free to use, but every little amount helps keep it that way!
  • 2025-02-01
    • 81 new manuals added in acom, bitsavers, cloughbrengle, ge, hoefer, kantronics, kenwood, lafayett, mfj, military, national, palstar, reyco, solartron, swema, tek, timewave, and unadilla.



These files contain the information manual (operations, service, and
schematics) for the COMTEST SYSTEMS Inc. Model 5100S service monitor.
Some of the pages refer to the earlier Model 3000 service monitor -
this seems to be how the 5100S manual was originally printed.

The manual consists of a mixture of letter-sized pages (8.5x11), and
fold-out block diagrams and schematics (11x17).  These page sets are
being provided in two different PDF documents, for ease of printing.

For on-computer reading, a unified version of the manual is also
provided in a single PDF, complete with PDF bookmarks, with the pages
interleaved in their original order.

The original manual was provided by courtesy of Terence Taylor N6MON.

Scanning and PDF conversion by Dave Platt AE6EO.


Comtest Systems 5100S Service Monitor - ledger pages.pdf
(4.6 MB)
Comtest Systems 5100S Service Monitor - letter pages.pdf
(9.3 MB)
Comtest Systems 5100S Service Monitor.pdf
(14 MB)