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Path: /military/an-trc-2/

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These are the manuals for the AN/TRC-2 portable HF transceiver used during the end of WWII. The main manual is TM11-2603 dated April 1 1944, the second manual is the addendum to the TM dated Feb 1, 1945.

The AN/TRC-2 is a pretty rare radio, as is the manual. The TRC-2 is basically a low-band version of the better known BC-1306 WWII transceiver. Both transceivers were succeeded by the AN/GRC-9 transceiver in the Fiftees, which covers both the 1306 and the TRC-2 frequency bands. If you compare the GRC-9 with the 1306 and TRC-2, you will notice that the GRC-9 was developed using the “lessons learned” from these earlier radios.

I have never seen this TRC-2 manual on the web before. I bought this (original) manual on FleaBay for $70, and scanned it myself in archive quality. The definition of “archive quality” is that you basically get the original manual back without quality loss when you would print the PDF file on a 1200DPI capable printer.

I have gotten so many nice manuals from the web over the years that I felt it was time to give back to the collectors community. Enjoy.

Cheers, Luke AC5XP


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