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Path: /military/bc348/

This is the BAMA archive. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is available here for free.

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      • It's free to use, but every little amount helps keep it that way!
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AN 08-10-112.pdf  Maintenance manual for BC-348-J, N, Q.  rev. 17 July 1943.
AN 08-10-209.pdf  Maintenance manual for BC-348-E, M, O, P, S, BC-224-E, G, H, L.  rev. 1 March 1944
TO 08-10-119.pdf  Operation and Maintenance manual for BC-348-E, M, P.  15 December 1942.
TO 12R2-3BC-112.pdf  Maintenance manual for BC-224-F, K, BC-348-H, K, L, R. rev. 11 February 1955.
These files originally scanned and made available with the compliments of Phil Mills, W5BVB.

AN 12R2-3BC348-2.pdf  Maintenance manual for BC-348-J, N, Q.  rev. 21 June 1948.
These files are made available with the compliments of August Johnson, KG7BZ.

BC-348-R Receiver, K2CBY.pdf

You have the standard G.I. manual for the BC-348 which I 
and I am sure countless others have downloaded and used. 
I found it both confusing and difficult to understand. I 
therefore took it upon myself to re-draft the manual, 
stage by stage and include some trouble-shooting and 
alignment information

Miles, K2CBY


AN 08-10-112.pdf
(7.5 MB)
AN 08-10-209.pdf
(9.8 MB)
AN 12R2-3BC348-2.pdf
(8.7 MB)
BC-348-R Receiver, K2CBY.pdf
(2.5 MB)
TO 08-10-119.pdf
(8.8 MB)
TO 12R2-3BC-112 open.pdf
(10 MB)
(6.3 MB)