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Path: /military/tv2u/roll-chart/

This is the BAMA archive. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is available here for free.

I am now accepting new manuals for inclusion in this archive. Contact and submission information below


  • 2024-05-31
    • Well, Google's 'advertising optimization' has now become so distracting as to trick people into visiting other sites. So I have removed advertising until I can find a better solution. One option may be sponsorship, anyone interested?
  • Sponsorship!
    • We are very graitful to Neill, who supports BAMA in gratitute with his financial support
      • It's free to use, but every little amount helps keep it that way!
  • 2025-02-01
    • 81 new manuals added in acom, bitsavers, cloughbrengle, ge, hoefer, kantronics, kenwood, lafayett, mfj, military, national, palstar, reyco, solartron, swema, tek, timewave, and unadilla.



The PDF include scans of my TV-2B/U roll chart. The tester was
manufactured by Victoreen Instrument Co. The serial number is
357. The order number is 39186-PP-58-A3-(51). This information
may help identify the chart generation and issue date.

The chart was first copied at 150% enlargement and then scanned onto
20 standard pages. The first ten pages list tube types in
numerical/alphabetical order from top to bottom on each page. The
second group of ten lists tubes in numerical/alphabetical order from
bottom to top on each page. That is same format as exists on the roll
chart itself.

I have also included a copy/scan of the actual tube testers decal
that defines each item on a given listing line such as "Tube Type",
"Test", "Func", "Selectors", "Filament" "Bias" and so forth across
the chart. This decal is best printed onto somewhat thick and stiff
glossy photo paper and then trimmed so that it can be used with the
roll chart pages to set up the tester controls.

Frequent users of the tester can probably skip the decal as they
may have memorized the set-up procedure nomenclature on the chart.


(1A) ROLL CHART TV-2 07-30-2020 20200731_13580671.pdf
(8.3 MB)