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Path: /noradio/104/

This is the BAMA archive. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is available here for free.

I am now accepting new manuals for inclusion in this archive. Contact and submission information below


  • 2024-05-31
    • Well, Google's 'advertising optimization' has now become so distracting as to trick people into visiting other sites. So I have removed advertising until I can find a better solution. One option may be sponsorship, anyone interested?
  • Sponsorship!
    • We are very graitful to Neill, who supports BAMA in gratitute with his financial support
      • It's free to use, but every little amount helps keep it that way!
  • 2025-02-01
    • 81 new manuals added in acom, bitsavers, cloughbrengle, ge, hoefer, kantronics, kenwood, lafayett, mfj, military, national, palstar, reyco, solartron, swema, tek, timewave, and unadilla.



Demodulator type 104 model 3 Northern Radio Co. 

Originals were fading away because were done with ammoniac copy.
I tried to keep the size of each line in each paragraph, the spelling 
(no corrections), the last line in each page, etc. 
It is done in A4 page size (European standard) and microsoft word 97, 
then converted to word 6/95 with the patch (panel and bloques were 
grayed during conversion so I put they separately)  

This has been chequed as closeli for erors as posible. 

Any question? OK. Here's my name and e_address:
Miguel Bravo Cos, Cartagena - Espaņa (Spain)  

		***** What do you need? *****
word 97 owners.
	demod104.doc :including everything but schematic.
	demod104.bmp :schematic

word 6/95
	demod_95.doc :document and escudo.bmp 
	demod104.bmp :schematic
	panel.bmp    :panel layout
	bloques.bmp  :block diagram

Disclaimer: see Nolan Lee (c) disclaimer and apply.

*** Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and in no way reflect
those ANYONE else!

This disclaimer does not cover misuse, accident, lightning, flood,
tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, hurricanes and
other Acts of God, female misinterpretation, neglect, damage from
improper or incorrect line voltage, improper or unauthorized use,
broken antenna or marred cabinet, missing or altered serial numbers,
electromagnetic radiation from nuclear blasts, sonic boom vibrations,
customer adjustments that are not covered in this list, and incidents
owing to an airplane crash, ship sinking or taking on of water, motor
vehicle crashing, dropping the item, falling rocks, leaky roof, broken
glass, mud slides, forest fire, or projectile (which can include, but
not be limited to, arrows, bullets, paintballs, shot, BB's, shrapnel,
lasers, napalm, torpedoes, or emissions of X-rays, Alpha, Beta and
Gamma rays, knives, stones, sharp sticks, etc.)And lastly, Not warranted for
any particular merchantability or use.



(63 KB)
(170 KB)
(180 KB)
(150 KB)
(15 KB)
Northern 104 Demodulator.djvu
(7.5 MB)
Northern 104 Demodulator.pdf
(7.4 MB)
(69 KB)