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This is the BAMA archive. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is available here for free.

I am now accepting new manuals for inclusion in this archive. Contact and submission information below


  • 2024-05-31
    • Well, Google's 'advertising optimization' has now become so distracting as to trick people into visiting other sites. So I have removed advertising until I can find a better solution. One option may be sponsorship, anyone interested?
  • Sponsorship!
    • We are very graitful to Neill, who supports BAMA in gratitute with his financial support
      • It's free to use, but every little amount helps keep it that way!
  • 2025-02-01
    • 81 new manuals added in acom, bitsavers, cloughbrengle, ge, hoefer, kantronics, kenwood, lafayett, mfj, military, national, palstar, reyco, solartron, swema, tek, timewave, and unadilla.



Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. is the industry leader in developing and producing field-tested, rugged avionic flight line and bench test sets for demanding military and commercial customers.

Tel-Instrument was founded in 1947, and has been providing avionic ramp and bench testers to both commercial and military customers for the last 35 years. Tel-Instruments historical design emphasis has been to provide the customer with user-friendly, rugged, reliable, and affordable units.

Tel’s products have led the avionics support equipment industry to higher levels of integration by combining more test functions into a single unit, and thereby reducing customer acquisition, training, and life-cycle support costs. Tel-Instrument is strongly committed to taking lifetime responsibility for product design, function, and reliability, for depot-level support, and for configuration management.

Tel-Instrument is ISO-9001:2015 quality certified; is compliant to ESD standard ANSI/ESD S20.20 and its products have received CE certification for sales into Europe.

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