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Tube Characteristics Type: 12AU7 (12AU7A/ECC82) Bulb : Miniature T-6 1/2 Class : Dual Medium-Mu Triode Base Diagram: 9A Emitter Volts: 12.6 6.3 Emitter Amps: 0.15 0.3 Use: Class A1 Amp, Oscillator Plate Dissipation (w): 2.75 per plate Plate Volts: 100 250 Negative Grid Volts: 0 8.5 Plate Current (ma): 11.8 10.5 Plate Resistance (ohm): 6500 7700 Transconductance: 3100 2200 micromhos Amplification (mu): 20 17
Tube Characteristics Type: 6AJ5 Bulb : T-5 1/2 Class : Pentode Base Diagram: 7BD Emitter Volts: 6.3 Emitter Amps: 0.175 Use: RF Amp Plate Dissipation (w): 1.87 Plate Volts: 28 Negative Grid Volts: 1.0 Screen Volts: 28 Plate Current (ma): 2.7 Screen Current (ma): 1.0 Plate Resistance (ohm): 100K Transconductance: 2500 micromhos
R-392 Contract List Data compiled by Tom Marcotte, N5OFF Last update: January 01, 1998 Manufacturer Year Contract # # Receivers ===================================================================== Collins 1951 3075-PH-51 1472 Collins 1951 3150-PH-51 8114 Stewart Warner for Collins 1952 11653-PH-52 4670 Stromberg Carlson for Collins 1952 11653-PHILA-52-93 7580 Philco 1959 3214-PP-59 688 Federal Mfg and Eng Corp. 1960 4096-PP-60 437 Dubrow Electronics Industries 1961 52713-PP-61 1087 Western Electric 1963 15283-PP-63 1553 Colonial ???? ? 0 Decitron Electronics ???? FR36-039-N-6-00081(E) 7 ===================================================================== Total # Receivers: 25608 Many thanks to Tom for maintaining this list. Over 700 receivers were "discovered" over the last year through his tracking of high serial numbers and contracts.
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fdecor\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs20 Re: [R-390] R-392 Lubrication/Grease \par By Joe Foley @yahoo.com \par 5:07pm \par \par Mon \par 25 \par Jan \par \par \par \par \par ---Jim Walker wrote: \par \par \par \par No, I did not. Do you have a copy? \par \par \par +++++++++++++++++++++ \par Nope, but what it amounts to is this: \par \par Remove the Kc change knob and LOOSEN the nut behind it. Rotate the \par shaft by hand and let the bushing center itself then snug the nut back \par up. It should be able to move slightly if it has to. \par \par One reason for this is that, if you notice, the Kc change knob is \par centered between the handles, they also protect all of the knobs from \par physical damage. But since the Kc knob is so far away from the \par handles it is an easy target. One more thing to do while you're there \par is to check the "run out" on that shaft to see if, or how badly, its \par bent. Mine shows some bend, the knob doesn't run true, so it can take \par some without being a problem. \par \par The shaft is mounted in three bushings which makes it tough to keep \par all of them in perfect alignment, letting the front one "float" helps \par smooth out the action. \par \par Check the archives for Al Tirevold's treatise on transmission \par lubrication, it has a bunch of details to consider. \par \par Joe \par \par _________________________________________________________ \par DO YOU YAHOO!? \par Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com \par \par }
R-392 Connectors The R-392 receiver has three multi-pin connectors on the front panel. Two are for audio and the third is for power and connection to the companion T-195 transmitter. The following charts describe the signals on each connector pin. J101 and J102 (AUDIO) The two AUDIO connectors are wired identically--the corresponding pins on each are wired in parallel to allow either or both to be used with loudspeaker, headset, and/or microphone. PinSignal Description This is the 600 ohm output from the A AF output receiver and is the same as pin L and J103 pin H. B Ground This signal is not used by the receiver C Microphone but is passed to the transmitter via J103 pin C. D No connection E Ground This signal is not used by the receiver F Push to talk switch on but is passed to the transmitter via J103 microphone or Key pin F. H Ground J No connection This signal is also available at J103 pin K Carrier relay control K and is grounded by the receiver when the audio output is not squelched. This is the 600 ohm output from the L AF output receiver and is the same as pin A and J103 pin H. J103 (POWER INPUT - TRANS CONT) The J103 connector is used to provide power to the R-392 receiver and to provide control of the optional companion T-195 transmitter. PinSignal Description A 28 V B+ (Positive voltage) This powers the tube plates. The current requirement is 0.5 A. This signal is provided by the transmitter to engage relays in the receiver to disable the audio output and antenna input B Break-in relay control when transmitting. This signal is ignored when the receiver Function switch is in the NET position to allow simultaneous use of the transmitter and receiver. C Microphone Provided to the transmitter from pin C on the AUDIO connectors. D 28 V Filament (Positive This supplies the tube filaments and draws voltage) approximately 2.5 A. E Ground F Push to talk switch on Passed to the transmitter from pin F on microphone or Key the AUDIO connectors. This is the 600 ohm audio output from the H AF output receiver and is common with pins A and L on the AUDIO connectors. J No connection This signal is also available at pin K on K Carrier relay control the AUDIO connector and is grounded by the receiver when the audio output is not squelched. Standalone operation When operating the R-392 receiver not connected to a T-195 transmitter supply power the receiver as follows. +28 V at 3 AJ103 pins A and D Ground J103 pin E
R-392 Tubes The R-392 receiver contains 25 tubes of six types. The following table shows the function and type of each tube, the total number of each type, and number of each type in the running spares kit. ID Function 26A6 26A7/GT 26C626D6 12AU7 6AJ5 V201 1st RF Amp 26A6 V202 2nd RF Amp 26A6 V203 1st Mixer 26C6 V204 2nd Mixer 26C6 V401 1st Xtal Osc 6AJ5 V402 2nd Xtal Osc 6AJ5 V501 1st IF Amp 26A6 V502 2nd IF Amp 26A6 V503 3rd IF Amp 26A6 V504 4th IF Amp 26A6 V505 5th IF Amp 26A6 V506 6th IF Amp 26A6 V601A IF Cath. Foll. V601B 1st RF AGC Rect. 12AU7 V602A RF & IF AGC Rect. V602B Squelch Rect. 12AU7 V603A Detector V603B Noise Limiter 12AU7 V604 BFO 26A6 V605 Squelch Control 6AJ5 V606 1st AF Amp 6AJ5 V607 Phase Inverter 6AJ5 V608A V608B 2nd AF Amp 26A7/GT 6AJ5 V609 AGC IF Amp 26A6 V701 Multivibrator 12AU7 V702 200 KC Xtal Osc 26A6 V703A Harmonic Amp V703B Distorter 12AU7 V801 VFO-Mixer 26D6 Total 11 1 2 1 5 5 Spares 4 2 2 1 2 10 26A6 26A7/GT 26C626D6 12AU7 6AJ5 Additional spares Besides tubes, the running spares kit also contains: * 2 lamps, dial, 28 volts, 0.175 ampere, GE T-3 1/4 [GE 313] * 6 fuses, 1/2 ampere, type 3AG * 6 fuses, 5 ampere, type 3AG
From the tech manual: 5. Technical Characteristics Type of Circuit... Triple conversion superheterodyne on eight lowest frequency bands, double conversion superheterodyne on all other bands. Frequency Range... 500 kc to 32 mc in 32 bands of 1 mc each except the first band which covers 1/2 mc (500 kc to 1 mc). Types of signals... A1-cw, A2-mcw, A3-voice, F1-FSK Number of tubes... 25 IF Frequencies: First variable IF (8 lowest bands).... 9 to 18 mc. Second variable IF (all bands).... 2.5-2.0 mc on 0.5-1.0 mc band; 3 to 2 mc on all other bands. Third IF (fixed)... 455 kc Selectivity..... 8, 4, and 2 kc IF (nominal) bandwidths. Type of Tuning... Continuous; frequency read directly on counter type frequency indicator. Method of Calibration Built-in crystal calibrator. Calibration points... Every 100 kc Calibration accuracy Within 300 cps at any frequency in 100 kc range (50 kc each side of 100 kc point) when calibrated at nearest 100 kc point to the received signal. Sensitivity: Modulated Signals FREQ AM Signals 0.5-1 mc 9 microvolts or better 1.0-2.0 mc 7 microvolts or better 2.0-32 mc 5 microvolts or better (for 10 milliwatts ouptu with 10 to 1 signal plus noise to noise ratio and with a 56 micromicro farad dummy antenna) CW Signals 0.5-2.0 mc 3 microvolts or better 2.0-32.0 mc 2 microvolts or better (for 10 milliwatts ouptu with 10 to 1 signal plus noise to noise ratio, carrier on to carrier off) and with a 56 micromicro farad dummy antenna) Audio power output (600 ohm impedance) 200 mw (nominal) Nominal input voltage 28 volts dc; will operate with input of 25-30 volts; will operate at reduced gain at input voltages lower than 25 volts dc down to a minimum of 22 volts dc. Power input... 3 amperes at 28 volts. Antennas: Whip... 15 feet Long wire Random length Height 11 1/2 inches (29.2 cm) Width 11 inches (27.9 cm) Depth 14 1/8 inches (34.6 cm) Weight 52 pounds 23.6 kilograms
STAGE GAIN CHARTS Ref: Para 104, R-392 Manual Connect VTVM or DVM between the diode load (red test jack J615) and ground. Connect signal generator output to antenna (via 50 micro-micro farad cap) or to internal points (via .05 microfarad cap); ensure sig gen ground is also connected to receiver ground. Table signal generator voltages are the minimum and maximum sig gen output required to generate -2.5 volts across the diode load. RF Subchassis Stages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal generator connection point Frequency (MC) Sig Gen output (microvolts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANT binding post, E101 0.5 to 32 1 to 4 Test Point E201 (grid of V201) 0.5 to 32 3 to 7 Test Point E202 (grid of V202) 0.5 to 32 3 to 7 Test Point E203 (grid of V203) 0.5 to 8 25 to 45 Test Point E204 (grid of V204) 8 to 32 20 to 35 Test Point J808 (grid of V801) 3 to 2 40 to 70 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF Subchassis Stages. (Generator set to 455 KHz) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sig Gen Sig Gen output (microvolts) Connection Point 2 KC BW 4 KC BW 8 KC BW -------------------------------------------------------------------- Grid of V501 130-180 Grid of V502 3300-6000 3200-5900 2900-5700 Grid of V503 24000-41000 28000-45000 22000-38000 Grid of V504 25000-40000 25000-40000 23000-37000 Grid of V505 22000-34000 22000-32000 25000-35000 Grid of V506 50000-70000 50000-70000 50000-70000 --------------------------------------------------------------------
R-390] AF matching transformers By Steve Murphy@flyingbeers.org Just an FYI, I was in a local electronics store last week and noticed that they had some line matching transformers designed for PA use which could be tapped to match a variety of impedances to 8 or 4 ohms. The closest tap to 600 ohms was 500, so it wasn't a perfect match, but close enough. So, there are readily available over-the-counter transformers available that'll work with the '390 and other 600 ohm output rigs. --- Submissions r-39-@qth.net
TROUBLE-SHOOTING CHART Reference: Para 97, R-392 Manual (paraphrased for brevity) Organization: Symptom Probable Trouble Corrective Action ============================================================================ 1. Function to NORMAL, Dial Dim to ON, Receiver does not operate, dial lamp does not light. Open LINE fuse 5 AMP, F102 on front panel Replace fuse. If it blows again, check filament circuit for shorts. Check power connections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Dial lamps light but CARRIER LEVEL meter pointer does not deflect w/ AGC switch set to ON, no reception. No B+ voltage. Open PLATE fuse, 1/2 AMP, F101 on front panel. Replace fuse. If it blows again, test B+ circuit for shorts (fig. 51) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. No receiver output. Carrier level meter rises and dips as KILOCYCLES control in operated. Defect in signal circuit after 2nd IF AMP. Connect headphones with 0.1 microfarad cap across grid and plate circuits of successive audio stages, or use stage gain charts (par. 99) Test tube of defective stage, check voltages and then resistance within stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. AF circuits ok, but no signal output with 455 KC sig gen is applied to IF input (J510) Faulty IF amplifier stage. Test IF stages by signal substitution (par. 101); test tubes; localize with voltage and resistance checks if necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. IF circuits respond to 455 KC signal, still no station received. Faulty mixer, oscillator, or RF stage. Test mixer, RF and oscillator states by signal substitution (par. 102) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. No beat frequency when BFO switch is on and BFO PITCH is varied. Faulty BFO circuit. Test tube V604; test voltages, check BFO switch and BFO pitch control(C101) . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. No calibration signal when AGC switch set to CAL. Cal signal does not appear approx every 100 KC. Defective calibration oscillator or vfo-mixer stage. Test tubes V701, V702, V703. Test crystal Y701. Check voltages and resistances of cal oscillator and VFO (V801). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Weak Signal Weak tubes, low voltage Test tubes; test input voltage; check B+ voltage. Check for shorted or open capacitors, check gain of each stage. Last resort: align tuning circuits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Noisy receiver. Noisy antenna location. Poor connection or shorting elements within a tube. Short-circuit antenna to ground, if noise reduced was external. Check antenna and internal signal cables and connectors. Use insulated prod to tap each tube, replace ones which generate noise with tap. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Receiver output noisy when controls are operated. Dirty switch contacts, potentiometers, etc. Clean switch contacts; clean or replace controls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Distorted signal, or blocking with strong signals. Weak tube; incorrect voltage on tube; leaky capacitors, esp C623 and C626. No AGC voltage. Chekc all tubes. Check AGC voltages. Check plate voltages and resistances. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Function switch to SQ (squelch), RF GAIN/SQUELCH THRESH at low gain setting, noise is heard between stations/signals when KILOCYCLES control is tuned. Faulty squelch circuit. Check V602, V609, V 605. If a click is heard as KILOCYCLES is rotated, check relay K601. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS Ref: TM858-71, Figs 74 and 75 NOTE: VOLTAGE is measured with receiver ON RESISTANCE measured with receiver OFF, power disconnected 1. 28 VDC power input 2. FUNCTION switch at NORMAL 3. RF GAIN and AF GAIN at max clockwise position 4. Tuning controls to 2.000 MHz 5. Voltages/Resistances measured to ground w/ VTVM 6. Headphones, antenna and ground disconnected 7. Resistances in ohms 8. Resistance measurements with tubes IN sockets. 9. NC == no connection 10. AGC switch at OFF position 11. * indicates BFO ON, FUNCTION at SQ, AGC to CAL 12. "A" depends on IF GAIN BIAS ADJUST SETTING 13. DIAL DIM to ON ==================================== V201 26A6 1st RF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.77 3.3 meg 2 .21 18 3 0 0 4 28 2.3 5 25.7 1075 6 25.7 1075 7 .21 18 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V202 26A6 2nd RF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.82 3.4 meg 2 .05 19 3 0 0 4 28 2.4 5 25.7 1075 6 25.7 1075 7 .05 18 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V203 26C6 1st MIXER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.08 100K 2 1.8 3.2K 3 0 0 4 28 3.2 5 NC NC 6 NC NC 7 26.7 1050 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V204 26C6 2nd MIXER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.04 100K 2 1.8 3.3K 3 0 0 4 28 3.2 5 NC NC 6 NC NC 7 26.7 1180 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V401 6AJ5 1st Crystal Oscillator ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -1.5 100K 2 .1 10 3 12 10 4 6 2 5 28 1200 6 28 1200 7 .1 10 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V402 6AJ5 2nd CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -1.5 100K 2 .1 10 3 6 2 4 0 0 5 28 1200 6 28 1200 7 .1 10 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V501 26A6 1st IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.8 4.5 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 24.5 1K 6 24.5 1K 7 0 8 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V502 26A6 2nd IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.4 4.5 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 26.5 1K 6 26.5 1K 7 .8 6 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V503 26A6 3rd IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 0 2.2 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 26.5 1K 6 26.5 1K 7 3.6 10K ------------------------------------ ==================================== V504 26A6 4th IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 0 2.2 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 26.2 1K 6 26.2 1K 7 3.6 10.2K ------------------------------------ ==================================== V505 26A6 5th IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 0 2.2 meg 2 2.9 8K 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 26.5 1K 6 26.5 1K 7 2.9 8K ------------------------------------ ==================================== V506 26A6 6th IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.9 2.2 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 24.5 1K 6 24.5 1K 7 0 0 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V601 12AU7 IF CATHODE FOLLOWER 1st RF AGC RECTIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 0 1 meg 2 0 1 meg 3 27 (5.5*) 1.8K 4 28 2.6 5 14 12 6 26.5 2.5 7 -.1 2.2 meg 8 .6 520 9 21 12 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V602 12AU7 SQUELCH RECTIFIER IF AGC RECTIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.98 2.5 meg 2 -.98 2.5 meg 3 0 0 4 28 2.6 5 14.2 13 6 0 1 meg 7 0 1 meg 8 27 (5.5*) 1.8K 9 21 12 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V603 12AU7 DETECTOR-NOISE LIMITER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.5 120K 2 -.5 120K 3 0 1.4 4 14.2 13 5 0 0 6 -.6 470K 7 -.6 470K 8 .2 560K 9 6.6 12 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V604 26A6 BEAT FREQUENCY OSC ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.8 (-1.45*) 1.5 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 0 (25.5*) inf (1K*) 6 0 (28*) inf (1K*) 7 0 .2 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V605 6AJ5 SQUELCH CONTROL ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.3 (-1.1*) 1.5 meg 2 0 inf (0*) 3 6.3 2.6 4 0 0 5 28 9K 6 28 2.6 7 0 inf ((0*) ------------------------------------ ==================================== V606 6AJ5 1st AF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -1.1 10 meg 2 0 0 3 14 5.2 4 6 2.6 5 11.4 22 6 14.5 47K 7 0 0 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V607 6AJ5 PHASE INVERTER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 3.65 2.2 meg 2 5.2 10K 3 6 2.5 4 0 0 5 21 10K 6 21 10K 7 5.2 10K ------------------------------------ ==================================== V608 26A7GT 2nd AF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -.25 470K 2 0 0 3 -.25 470K 4 28 1800 5 28 1800 6 28 2.6 7 0 0 8 28 1800 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V609 26A6 AGC IF AMPLIFIER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 0 2.2 meg 2 0 0 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 26.5 1000 6 26.5 1000 7 0 0 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V701 12AU7 MULTIVIBRATOR ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 26.5 (20.5*) 12K 2 0 (3.1*) 120K 3 15 (0*) inf (0*) 4 28 2.6 5 14 12 6 26.5 (21.5*) 4700 7 0 (3.4*) 120K 8 XXX (0*) inf (0*) 9 21.5 12 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V702 26A6 200KC Crystal OSC ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 0 (4.1*) 1 meg 2 15 (0*) inf (0*) 3 28 2.6 4 0 0 5 26.5 (22*) 10K 6 26.5 (18*) 47K 7 15 (0*) inf (0*) ------------------------------------ ==================================== V703 12AU7 HARMONIC AMP/DISTORTER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 26.5 (12*) 12K 2 0 8 3 15 (0*) inf (0*) 4 14 12 5 0 0 6 26.5 (23.5*) 12K 7 0 (-3*) 100K 8 15 (0*) inf (0*) 9 7 12 ------------------------------------ ==================================== V801 26D6 VFO MIXER ------------------------------------ PIN VOLTAGE RESISTANCE 1 -1.8 80K 2 0 0 3 28 3.8 4 0 0 5 28 38 6 28 35 7 0 3.6 ------------------------------------