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Path: /goodwill/gos3310/

This is the BAMA archive. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is available here for free.

I am now accepting new manuals for inclusion in this archive. Contact and submission information below


  • 2024-05-31
    • Well, Google's 'advertising optimization' has now become so distracting as to trick people into visiting other sites. So I have removed advertising until I can find a better solution. One option may be sponsorship, anyone interested?
  • Sponsorship!
    • We are very graitful to Neill, who supports BAMA in gratitute with his financial support
      • It's free to use, but every little amount helps keep it that way!
  • 2025-02-01
    • 81 new manuals added in acom, bitsavers, cloughbrengle, ge, hoefer, kantronics, kenwood, lafayett, mfj, military, national, palstar, reyco, solartron, swema, tek, timewave, and unadilla.



This manual is for the NRI 2500, GOS 3310 (Good Will) and the CIE 3310 oscilloscopes. Many thanks to
all on the internet that share their information in electronics. Please share, were we can all learn.

I was really taken by surprise when I tried to find a manual on the internet for my NRI 2500 for fee. I
searched for a few days but only found people selling the manual. I finally found one for a reasonable
price. If you have one of these scopes without the manual please enjoy.

Eddie P.


GOS-3310 Instruction Manual.djvu
(6.3 MB)
GOS-3310 Instruction Manual.pdf
(7.4 MB)