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Lafayette TE-24 Calibrated Marker Generator Operating Manual Inside Front Cover: COPYRIGHT 1962 BY LAFAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS CORP. Printed in U.S.A. IM-334 8/62 1M/K Back Cover: LAFAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS CORP. 111 JERICHO TURNPIKE - SYOSSWT, L.I., NEW YORK WARRANTY CARD: lafayette radio 165-08 Liberty Avenue, Jamaica 33, N. Y. NOTES: The schematic diagram on page 7 has been marked with notes. A few major signals have wire colors noted and voltages are marked at a few points. The schematic is marked with three modifications: 1. Three wire grounding power cord and a line RF bypass error correction. 2. A closed circuit mini-phone jack was added as a second audio input. 3. "New XTAL Socket" is noted, it was replaced with a ceramic socket. There is also the note "(XTAL) Microphonic & Pickup Sens." by the YEL. wire which was sensitive to hum pickup and caused modulation when vibrated. This line is internal RF feeding to the Mixer stage in RF IN mode and in XTAL mode feeds the combined internal RF and XTAL oscillator beat signal into the audio amplifier chain.
Manual for Lafayette TE-24 RF Alignment Generator.
Compliments of Bill Mays.