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Manual and additional information for the British Military Larkspur VHF B-44 Mark III.
Compliments of Loek d'Hont, AC5XP.


These are the User Servicing Instructions for the military Larkspur radio W.S. B-44 MarkIII, a 3-channel British VHF radio targeted for short-range VHF communications on the battlefield. 

The design stems from the early fifties and is unusual in its concept because of a very low receiver IF (intermediate frequency) that is used (further explained in the manual)
The radio is built very well and is fully waterproof, for maximum survivability in the field.

I have added the schematic diagram as well. The original diagram was of very poor quality so I have redrawn the original diagram in exactly the same style , with the exception of some small errors that I corrected from the original diagram (erroneous tube pin designations)

The WS-B44 MkIII is a collector item, and as such I do not recommend modification as it's AM mode and original operation frequency are of limited amateur use. However, if you do decide to attempt such modification, keep in mind that you have to redesign the input/output RF band-pass filter to work in the 50 MHz amateur band. If you do NOT do this (i.e. if one would omit the filter instead) the radio will not meet your local regulations for spurious emissions.
But like I said, it is better left original because of its historical significance.

The manual also includes some instruction diagrams from the operating manual, which were made available to me by Wim Kramer, PA2GRC

These radios were sold in the early seventies by P.E. Telekommunication in Amsterdam,  where Wim and I bought our first ones. P.E. is long gone since. 
I was able to lay my hands on one again, in fair to good condition, by searching the several Internet outlets for used equipment.

Best 73s,

Loek d'Hont AC5XP


WS-B44 Mk3 Schematic Diagram (original).djvu
(460 KB)
WS-B44 MkIII User Servicing Instructions & Schematic.pdf
(2.9 MB)
WS-B44 Schematic Diagram (redrawn).djvu
(73 KB)